Thursday, March 13, 2008

Vacation on Sanibel Island!

Well, it's tough to be back in this cold, New England weather after being in southwest Florida where it was 82 degrees the last couple days! Jessica (Goochmedia) and I took a 5 day hiatus from this winter weather and escaped to Sanibel Island. I want to be back on the beach!!!

My nephew Sean was nice enough to let us stay at his place...all we had to do was take care of the dogs (two adorable goldens -- Autumn and Hannah). We got a bunch of laughs from Autumn, especially when she tried to sleep on our heads one night! I swear, she thinks she's a cat! It was hysterical, although we were a little tired after dog wrangling all night! : )

For those of you who don't know about Sanibel Island, it's right off the coast of Ft. Myers. Sanibel and Captiva Islands can be reached from a causeway from Ft. Myers. Once you are on the island, you feel like you have totally escaped. Very little commercialism....all mom and pop stores and local boutiques. Traffic is a little crazy between 7-10 am going on the island and between 3-6 pm going off the island, since there is just one road to get off the island. But it has a few great beaches and yummy restaurants (Doc Ford's for one!)

Sanibel and Captiva were hit in 2004 by Hurricane Charley. They've done a great job restoring the islands and it is as beautiful as ever.

The first few days we were down there it was about 70 degrees and very windy (I know, you feel bad for us, right?!). The first day we checked out Lighthouse Point and did a little shelling. On Sunday, we headed out on the boat that Sean captains, the Lady Chadwick -- Captiva Cruises -- which went out to Cabbage Key and Useppa Islands. We opted for Useppa, it is one of my favorites and I wanted to check it out since I haven't been down there since before Hurricane Charley. It was so beautiful. Here's a short video of Useppa. Will post more pictures, info and video tomorrow......I'm exhaused from vacation! LOL. Good night!

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