Saturday, March 01, 2008

Snowy Days, Tax Time and a Crazy Cat!

So, as we were once again hit with another snowstorm, I decided to hunker down inside my nice warm townhouse and be somewhat productive. Given that April 15th is just around the corner and we have a few things to get together before we meet with our tax guy, I thought I would take advantage of the time I had to finish scanning our receipts from 2007. Yeah, we probably should have done this as they came in, but that never happens. Instead, we have a year's worth of receipts to enter....I'm on September. However, there is a great tool that we got last year called "Neat Receipts" that saves you from having to key in all the receipts; plus you get a scanned image of the receipt. It scans your receipts, reads your receipts (or as they say "scanalizes" your receipts) and enters the data into the program and categorizes it. For the most part, it is pretty accurate and you only have to fix a name or an amount from time to time. It's really easy to just print out the reports so the tax guy can tell us what is deductible and what isn't...very cool.

Of course, I have a very curious kitty, Frederico, and he loves to hang out on my desk when I'm scanning the receipts...he thinks it's a's a short video clip of what I contend with when I'm trying to work! : ) He's my comic relief! Enjoy!

1 comment:

skyebluelake said...

Fredrico is adorable!

Keep up the good work.