Saturday, January 05, 2008

A Beautiful Winter Day!

I'm so thankful that it wasn't zero degrees today because I had an outdoor photo shoot for a corporate engineering client, SFC Engineering in Manchester, NH. The shoot was in Marlborough, NH (out near Keene), which is about 85 miles from where we live, roughly a 2-hour ride. The shoot went good and thankfully no wind to speak of. I was shooting pictures of a balloon that will mark where a cell tower is being proposed by Verizon. It was pretty interesting. I was driving around with Jeff who is from SFC and we had to drive up and down a lot of residential streets to see where we could see the balloon from and take pictures. There were lots of dogs at the different areas we were in...I was kidding saying I was the pied piper. Thankfully, they were all friendly. I really haven't spent much time in this part of the state, but it's really beautiful. Actually, I also saw Mt. Monadnock and I found out I was only about 30 miles from the Vermont border....pretty cool.

We also saw some Alpacas!!! They are soooo cute!!
After I was done, on my way home on Rt. 101 in Dublin, I passed the home of Yankee Publishing, which is the home of the Yankee Magazine and the Old Farmer's Almanac.
I also made a stop in at the Dublin General Store in town to get some lunch and snacks...they had something I haven't seen since my grandmother was living -- candied ginger -- hmmmm yummy and good for the upset tummy!

Have a great weekend and happy traveling!


Jessica said...

There was a YARN SALE!!!!!

Oh the luck!

Christine said...

I know!!! I immediately thought of you!!

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