Saturday, January 12, 2008

Birding Anyone????

My friend Jon from IMAGE ARTS in Portsmouth took me to a couple of places in Greenland and Exeter today to try to see the Screech Owl he has seen before (and he has an AWESOME picture that he took of one that Richard bought me for Christmas). And everyone who has seen the picture of the screech owl in my office has commented "how did he get such a great picture?" response was, "a really good lens." Now I got to see the REALLY good lens....WOW....lens envy..... CLICK HERE to go the photo site of Image Arts where you can view some of Jon's other wildlife photos along with photographers and artists. Just go to GALLERY and then choose PHOTOGRAPHERS and scroll down to Jon Winslow. The screech owl isn't up there yet, but hopefully Bill will put it up soon! PLEASE BILL!!!

Well, we went to the first spot in Greenland and Jon took out his binoculars and said he could see the little guy inside the hole in the tree. So, we got out our camera equipment....well, needless to say, my lenses paled in comparison to Jon's wildlife lens, so I was looking through his lens. The little guy was sleeping, but we could see him slightly opening his eye. So, after a little bit, we decided to let him sleep and move onto the next spot in Exeter.

When we got to the place, we saw another woman walking around the area with her camera and tripod. We looked where she was heading and sure enough, there was the little screech owl sitting in the hole in the tree! He was sooooo cute!!!! I could see him with just my eyes from my Jon puts it, "it looks like a little stuffed animal in the tree." So I grabbed my camera, headed over to where the woman was and got a couple shots (not great shots, but at least I can prove I saw him!). Jon came over and was setting up his equipment and before he could take a picture, the owl was gone! Guess he didn't like to be the center of attention!....We waited for a bit, but the little guy was not coming back out. Oh well....we will just have to head back there another time. Next birding expedition we're going to try to photograph bald eagles....Jon knows where some hang out.....stay tuned!

1 comment:

skyebluelake said...

The owl does look stuffed!

Great posting.

