Sunday, October 28, 2007

Greetings from Delaware!

Hello! So, it's been a busy week....left on Monday for Orlando for a tradeshow for my other company, which went great. And then I flew to Phili on Thursday afternoon to spend the weekend with my old, dear friend, Susan. We've been having a great time just hanging out and catching up. The weather has been a bit rainy and windy, but this afternoon, the sun came out.

Friday night, we got to hook up with my friend Rosemary, who lives a few towns over from Susan. We had a great dinner at Sullivan's Steak House. It was nice to be able to introduce these two friends, as I knew they would get along swimmingly.

Also on Friday, Matt was a happy guy after sitting out in the rain for a good part of the see, he is a hunter and he was doing some deer hunting....well, before we were heading out, he called to say he had shot a doe (poor Bambi!). It was a big one. We saw it before we headed out to dinner. He was going to be butchering it last night and giving the meat to the Mexican workers at the dairy. Also, I heard that my niece's boyfriend, Duane, who is also a hunter, shot a moose (poor Bullwinkle!). So, all the hunters had a good day in the field. I was glad to be sitting inside a nice warm house just hanging out!

Satuday, Susan, Paige (Matt's daughter) and I went to the farmer's market and got lots of good veggies to go with the pot roast Susan is making tonight. It was packed....they had a bunch of kids trick or treating throughout the market. We got a slice of pizza there and then we went and had our nails done. Later, Susan, Matt and I went for a walk, well, it was more like a hike (or as Susan calls it the Betaan death march) through their property on the farm...we lost the path for a bit along the way, climbing up hills through the brush and then made it to the cornfields. We finally found the path again and headed back to the house.....we made it, however, not without some war wounds.....when we got back, Susan and I found some ticks on us (YUCK!), so we picked them off and then threw those clothes in the washer! Darn ticks! I had to take a shower as I was feeling all itchy from thinking there might be more ticks! Thanks Matt! LOL

Here are a few pictures from the photo shoot I did with Susan, her boyfriend Matt and his two children Paige & Jakob this morning. They rent this great farmhouse across the street from a dairy. The farmhouse made a great backdrop for the shoot.

Have a great rest of the weekend and GO SOX!!!!!!

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