Monday, February 18, 2008

Owen has finally arrived from Iowa!

Just had to share some exciting news (and pictures!) with you all. My friend Jane and her family just got a new puppy and his name is Owen! He is 3 months old and they just got him Saturday when he flew in to Boston from Iowa. IS HE ADORABLE OR WHAT???!!! She just sent me these pictures and I just had to share!!!
He is a Cavachon (they have hair not fur) and they purchased him through Cavachon Connection in Iowa . This is their first dog and they just love him to pieces!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Enjoy Owen and keep us updated with new pictures!!!


Jessica said...

at a cute puppy..I am jealous.

Dr Nate said...

Hey guys, we were just looking through the "dry run" of the Newmarket Dental web site, and I'm clicking on all the links to make sure they work. i'd never actually BEEN to your site, which is nice, and i Love the blog...feel free to peruse mine if you're bored and want to know what dentists blog

Dr Nate said...

Hey guys, we were just looking through the "dry run" of the Newmarket Dental web site, and I'm clicking on all the links to make sure they work. i'd never actually BEEN to your site, which is nice, and i Love the blog...feel free to peruse mine if you're bored and want to know what dentists blog