Saturday, December 08, 2007

Christmas time is a time for Friends and Good Cheer!

Today I had the chance to see a few of my good friends all in one day.....I started off my day going to Jenness Beach in Rye, NH to visit with my friend Susan (the one from Delaware...see previous post from October), her boyfriend Matt, their dog, Grace, and Susan's mom & sister. So I brought Amber with me so Amber and Grace could run their little hearts out on the beach. The sun was out and it really was a gorgeous was only in the 30's but it felt really warm compared to the frigid temperatures we have been having.

The dogs were so funny....Grace and Amber were chasing each other around and Grace (a 7 month old puppy) kept jumping over Amber.....however, on one of her jumps, she didn't give herself enough clearance and knocked Amber over on her back! She was fine and we were all was too funny! Then as we were hanging out, another dog owner came up the beach with his Bloodhound, Bones....he was a BIG dog! It was fun seeing all of them again and I'm so glad I could hook up with Susan today since she's only in town until tomorrow...then she and Matt are driving back to Delaware.
So, then later in the day, Richard and I drove to Charlestown, MA to meet up with our friends Adria and Chris for an early dinner at the Tavern on the Water (here's the view we had from our table. You can see the Zachem Bridge and the pretty sunset). It was a bit crowded in the bar when we first arrived. We found a table in the dining area and had a yummy dinner.
It was great getting caught up with them, especially since I think the last time we got together was back in......August! Man, I can't believe it's been that long since we've seen them! Time goes by WAY too quickly. We had lots of laughs and wished each other a very Merry Christmas and then bid adeau....(I think that's how you spell it!).
Have a great weekend!

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