Wednesday, November 21, 2007


To all of our friends, family, clients and blog followers, Richard and I would like to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! This is a time for us to give thanks about many things and it is a time to reflect on just how lucky we are in these tough times -- war, recession, soaring gas prices, foreclosures...... There are so many people in this world less fortunate than we are, and I am very thankful for everything I have...or don't have.... I am very grateful for my friendships, my family, great clients, a roof over my head, a job (or I should say multiple jobs between Richard and me) and my health (although I'm fighting a cold right now). We may not have as many "things" or as much money as other people, but we have plenty enough to enjoy a rich life full of love, happiness and friendships.

May this holiday season give us all time to reflect on what is really important -- it's so easy to take the little things for granted and to get caught up in the flurry of will get old, dusty, or worn out.....spending time with friends and family is precious, even if it is in small doses...I once heard a saying that will stay with me forever -- for every moment spent angry is a moment of happiness that you will never get back.

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. Enjoy!
Warmest wishes,
Chris & Richard

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